Paleo Banana Bread!

A few of you have asked for my recipe for Paleo Banana Bread – so here it it! Truth be told I free-style this one a lot!  I just chuck in whatever is around, and often use different quantities of bananas, natural sweeteners and spices.  There is endless potential for variations – try adding different…

Nutrition & Mental Wellness

Our state of mental wellness is partly controlled by the neurotransmitters produced by the body.  Neurotransmitters are chemicals that send messages around the body and brain, and are responsible for our moods, energy & activity levels.  Common neurotransmitters include GABA, serotonin, norepinephrine, endorphin, and dopamine. The saturation or depletion of these 5x key neurotransmitters are…

Detox – Do you need it? And how to do it safely.

Everyone knows someone that has gone on a ‘detox’ – maybe it was a 48 hour fast; maybe a juice-cleanse in Bali; maybe just ditching junk food, alcohol and caffeine for a week or two.  But what exactly is detoxification, and how can we support our body through this process? Firstly – if you are…

How to keep you Heart Healthy.

Heart Attack.  Stroke.  Angina.  Arrhythmia. Coronary Heart Disease. We’ve heard all these terms before and chances are we may know someone who has suffered from one or more of these illnesses.  Heart Disease is a modern illness – skyrocketing in numbers since 1910 with the advent of processed foods.  Heart disease is the number #1…

Smokey Pulled Lamb, Brussels with Bacon Bits & Roast Pumpkin

Yummo – pulled lamb!  Like some magical animal – pulled lamb can be used for everything and is a delicious protein to have on hand.   I like to cook up a large lamb shoulder in the slow cooker, and then use it for various meals throughout the week.  It goes particularly well with a chunky…

SIBO Part #3 – Diet & Fermentable Carbohydrates

Anyone dealing with a SIBO diagnosis will know treating SIBO isn’t straightforward.  It can be a long and drawn-out process, with many people experiencing relapse or struggling to eradicate the bacteria in the first place. After being diagnosed with SIBO, I was relieved to find a specialist in the area, Dr. Natalie Cruttenden, who put…

Gut Health & Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases are fast on the rise in our modern society.  In fact, at least 5% of Australians are thought to be suffering with some form of an autoimmune disease (1).  While some of these may be little more than an annoyance, some autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and rheumatoid arthritis can be chronic and…

Chronically elevated cortisol & the Endocrine System.

  Elevated cortisol is hugely significant in disrupting the delicate balance of our Endocrine System. Cortisol definition. First, let’s define cortisol.  Cortisol is known as the ‘fight-or-flight’ hormone, and is released by the adrenal glands in times of high stress and/or emergency.  It is actually released in small amounts throughout the day to assist in…


Sugar is a Big Deal.  Everywhere you look people are talking about it, quitting it, praising it and ‘eating it in moderation’. But what started our obsession with sugar?  And when did quitting sugar become so mainstream? Well, if we hark back to the dim dark distant past of the 80’s, 90’s and even Naughties,…

Hydration 101.

Are you drinking enough water?  Is a question we often get asked, but; Are you drinking clean water?   Is probably a better question, or even; What are you eating and drinking that may be affecting your absorption of water? As always the answers are complicated, so first let’s look at some background on the body…