SIBO Part #3 – Diet & Fermentable Carbohydrates

Anyone dealing with a SIBO diagnosis will know treating SIBO isn’t straightforward.  It can be a long and drawn-out process, with many people experiencing relapse or struggling to eradicate the bacteria in the first place. After being diagnosed with SIBO, I was relieved to find a specialist in the area, Dr. Natalie Cruttenden, who put…

SIBO- Part #2

It’s been about 3 weeks since I received my SIBO diagnosis – you can read my original post on SIBO here.  Since then, I was referred to a gastroenterologist, but couldn’t get an appointment for over 6 weeks   In the meantime, I’ve done a ton of research, and read all of the articles I could…

What is SIBO?

Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth. Never heard of it?  Me neither until just a few months ago; and more recently yesterday, when I was diagnosed with it.  So what exactly is SIBO?  And what do you do if you think you might have SIBO?  Read on… Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth is a chronic bacterial infection of the…

Welcome to Good Food Lyfe!

Hey there!  Welcome to my blog Good Food Lyfe, thanks for stopping by my little corner of the interwebs.  Here I’ll be sharing my own health and wellness journey through nutrition, my current experience as an Nutritional Therapy student, whole-food and paleo inspired recipes, nutrition advice, and general banter. So what is a #GoodFoodLyfe?  …

Charge CrossFit Games

My CrossFit box Charge CrossFit Northcote had their 1st birthday celebration and inaugural “Charge Like A Bull – In house comp” today! As a relative CrossFit ‘newbie’ I scaled the 3x WOD’s (Workout of the Day) today, but still worked my butt off and realised I have a very long way to go! I was…